Monday, March 2, 2020

Goshawks and Crossbills, Wykeham Forest

What a fantastic day spent watching our favourite birds. Arrived around 10am and the goshawks started to fly at 10.30am and there was hardly a moment when there wasn't a goshawk in the sky. With blue sky, a light breeze and a bit of cloud, it was a perfect goshawk day. We thought we saw 6 or 7. What did shock us was the wing damage on 2 of the birds and we didn't think it was caused by moulting, more like shotgun damage. You can see the damaged feathers in some of our pics. Smoke could be seen the whole time we were there as the distant grouse moor was being burnt. What a sad state of affairs. 

The crossbills gave us a good show with a couple of chicks already on the wing, although they were still shouting for food !

An excellent birding day in good company. Lovely to meet you Nick !

A pair of Goshawks flying in the smoke from the burning grouse moor 

A grouse moor with selective burning. Smoke could be seen the whole time we were there. Is no-one ever held accountable for the deliberate habitat destruction ??

These crossbills made up the supporting cast, always good to see especially with chicks in March. 

1 comment:

  1. Great day out, love Goshawks! Hope to catch up again sometime, keep in touch and thanks for a great blog.
