Saturday, March 14, 2020

Black-throated Thrush, Grimsby

With not a lot else to see at the moment we thought we would take a last look at the black-throated thrush before it departed. There was no-one around when we arrived so was unsure if the bird had been seen that day. Simon soon spotted movement in the trees and there it sat. Another couple of birders joined us after a while and the bird came down to feed a couple of times, alot closer than before so perhaps it was the crowds of folk that put it off. We couldn't work out what it was eating but thought it must have been seeds from the sycamore trees along with a juicy worm. With a full tummy it was soon back snoozing in the trees. 

But you really couldn't make this up......a women appeared from nowhere with a dog and proceeded to throw a ball towards us (and the thrush) for the dog to chase, which it did. But it wasn't too keen on returning the ball to the owner and with her constantly yelling 'fetch and bring' in a high pitched voice, Karen picked the ball up and threw it like a fielding cricketer a mile away. The women was told to go away and to take both her ball and dog with her !  Words failed us at the stupidity of people.

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