Saturday, January 25, 2020

Waxwings, North Road, Retford

Headed to Retford in Nottinghamshire today to see the waxwings, just a 30 mile drive and plenty of parking off the main London Road. I used to work a mile up the road in my younger days and this road was one I traveled daily, although I used to pass through fields that are now massive housing estates. 
The weather was grey, grey and more grey. The lighting horrendous and the waxwings a sillouette in the gloom. We could see 4 birds in the large trees at the back of the gardens where they remained for around an hour before coming into the front garden and the fruiting Sorbus that they were literally shovelling down. Not too large a crowd but there was always one that had to stand far too, no binoculars, you know the new kind of birder that we are seeing everywhere. 
The waxwings kept coming in to feed, although by this time they were down to 3 so who knows where the 4th bird went. Eventually the sun broke through the greyness and what a difference that made. It was good to meet a few new faces and before we knew it we had been there for most of the day leaving around 3pm. An excellent day !!

and then the sun came out for a few minutes and what a difference that made!

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