Friday, January 17, 2020

Russian White-fronted Geese, Hatfield Moor

Russian White-fronted Geese at Badger Corner Lake, Hatfield Moors. As we were approaching they were all flushed by a couple of dogs (not on leads - owner oblivious). We waited in the shelter and they soon settled down again. We walked for the Great Grey Shrike which had been reported at the Polish War Grave earlier but there was no sign despite scanning for a couple of hours. Hardly suprising though as we must have seen at least 30 dogs and not one of them was on a lead. A few were running around the war grave, the owners actually jumping on the grave, disgusting behaviour. I did e-mail Natural England at Hatfield Moors mentioning the packs of out of control dogs but am yet to receive a reply. 

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