Saturday, November 30, 2019

Red Throated Diver, Far Ings NNR, Barton

An excellent afternoon at Target Pit, Far Ings in Barton where the Red Throated Diver gave us a good show. A couple of bitterns made up the supporting cast. The diver caught a large fish which it couldn't quite get down and after 10 minutes of trying, it let it go. Within a few minutes it had caught another fish, although it could have been the same one that was stunned (not dead as it was still flapping!), again it couldn't quite get it down and although it seemed to have swallowed it with just the tail visible, it regurgitated it many times. The fish was huge as you can see. The fish caught the eye of a cormorant that flew in, grabbed it and downed it in one !  The fish was obviously more than the diver could chew !

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