Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lesser Kestrel, Fraisthorpe, Yorks

A seven raptor day !! Decided to wait until the lesser kestrel came on the pager this morning and we were soon headed off into Yorkshire to Fraisthorpe. We had seen many a bird here, Little Bustard, White Stork & Kumliens Gull. Not too many folk here so parking wasn't such a problem.....but the farmer wasn't a happy chap !  The Lesser Kestrel was in exactly the same field as the Little Bustard only this time the field had the addition of a small windfarm. Always very distant, preferring the hedge line under the wind turbines, perhaps because the friendly farmer decided to get two tractors in the field and start ploughing !!

This bird was  rubbished by someone who wasn't even there so lots of pics (including these) were collected together and sent to Dick Forsman for his opinion. It came back as a definate YES, Lesser Kestrel it is. These pics were all taken early afternoon. 

Lesser Kestrel getting photo-bombed by a Merlin ! 

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