Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Blyth's Reed Warbler, Church Field, Kilnsea

Couldn't decide on where to go today but thought Spurn would be the best choice, a couple of barred warblers had been reported yesterday so off we went. Our first stop was near Sykes Field with the first barred warbler that flitted about in the back and refused to be seen. We were only there half an hour when a shout went up....Blyth's Reed Warbler in Church Field. Not a new bird for us but a cracking bird for the day ........and only two men stood infront of me !!  Then onto the warren area for the second barred warbler that actually sat out for 10 seconds........until the bright blue kagool wearers got 10 steps too close. Then I managed an altercation with a women taking her dog down, past the gate where dogs are not allowed. She didn't get very far before she was involved in a further altercation - but she carried on regardless. Then onto Kilnsea Wetlands for the White-rumped Sandpiper which showed perfectly the whole time we were there......an excellent day at Spurn !

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