Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Chough, Dunge Valley Gardens, Cheshire (and a brief flight into Derbyshire)

An excellent Monday morning with a new UK tick for Karen's list taking her UK tally to 412. It was a nightmare of a drive as the chough was very close to the village with the dam that might not hold. Most roads were closed but my phone and Google maps negotiated the journey well and we pulled up just as a well known Derbyshire birder had flushed it with his big lens. So we had a coffee and biscuit and waited.....just incase. We were not disappointed as a whistle and wave soon went up, the chough was back in the sheep field. Infact we saw it on the Windgather Rocks which is in Derbyshire (for all you county listers), but it favoured the sheep field in Cheshire where it fed for a couple of hours. There were people rock climbing behind us and the bird didn't seem to be bothered, but more climbers arrived with a dog off the lead (despite signs, suppose the sign was for everyone else but them) and that did up-skittle it a bit. We had excellent views in very good company (apart from one birder that needed to voice his racist hatred and was soon told to shut up). A brilliant day. 

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