Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Ospreys, Rutland Water

Our annual pilgrimage down to Rutland Water certainly did not disappoint this year. With a massive brand new birdhide, high chairs with backrests, footrests and large windows that give views of the whole lake without ducking and craning your neck, very impressed with the hide, they have certainly spent some dosh and it is fantastic. Anyway, the birds were equally as impressive with 4 osprey chicks rung in this nest this year. The parents made the tally of 6 birds in this nest so they sat out close by. The chicks were in 'flapping mode' with one bird definately going to fly in a day or so. It flapped and jumped up constantly, we had timed our visit just right. 

Below the hide were 2 pairs of Great Crested Grebes and it was interesting to watch them. Lots of mating and nest building from one pair who built a nest while we were there. The second pair were sitting on 4 eggs and they gently changed over the sitting chores, gently inspecting each egg before sitting back down. A wire fence separated them but the males managed to get to one another and that resulted in a right old scrap ! 

100's of martins and terns made up the supporting cast. A fantastic day out....loved it !

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