Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Extinction Rebellion, Scunthorpe

A few pics from their peaceful 'Die Protest' held at the Council offices here in Church Square, Scunthorpe

Extinction Rebellion - not a huge turnout but they got the message across by staging a 'die' outside the staff entrance at CSH (a door that I used for 16 years!). Leaflets (hand printed on scrap paper) were distributed and from where I was sat, I could hear everyone talking about it so a successful protest.
Disgraceful that no-one from the local Conservative or Labour parties came out for a chat and the Environmental staff didn't bother either. All are based in that building.

We also went to the talk in the evening at Cafe Indie (that served the most expensive lager in town I might add, that wasn't even nice). The talk was by the XR Co-founder Roger Hallam. Nothing we didn't know about but the time scale was a shock, we left feeling rather shell shocked if I am honest. Governments across the world need to wake up to the fact that the planet is in serious trouble.

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