Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Peregrine Falcons, Lincoln Cathedral

An adult bird high up on the top of the tower, snoozing in the evening sun.  

This is the other chick, tucked away higher up on the Cathedral, having a few minutes snooze then a look around, then nodding off again.  

We go to look at the peregrines on Lincoln Cathedral every year but this year we got our timing absolutely spot on. We had delayed going due to the horrendous weather we have had of late and looking at the webcam, we knew we had to go sooner rather than later. So Friday evening off we went with decent weather for a change. As soon as we parked the car we could hear a juvenile peregrine screeching, such a fantastic sound. Couldn't believe our luck when we looked up, one of the two chicks was on a lover ledge straight infront of us. Flapping and strengthening it's wings, ready for the off. We had the best views we have ever had !  Hope you like our pics, these are just a few....more to come !

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