Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Temminck's Tragopan, Bompu Camp, Eaglenest

We were hoping to see the female again as we drove back up and over Eaglenest Pass on our way back down to Dirang. A journey that would take all day with birding stops. We did see the female again, but she was gone as soon as we saw her. We were not prepared for this on the path.....we definately couldn't get out and Simon was the wrong side of the vehicle for a pic so good job Lakpa clicked away and this was the best shot.

We watched him for a while, walking down the road, but always going away from us before nipping into the woodland and disappeared. Imprinted onto my birding memory forever, a stunning bird. 

A male Temminck's Tragopan in the early morning fog. Has to be the bird of the trip....but was it?  You will have to wait and see !

Photo :  Lakpa Tensing

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