Thursday, May 30, 2019

A few birds from Sela Pass

Alpine Accentor 

Sorry, I know it's blurred but this is a Blood Pheasant. You won't believe how difficult this photo was. We were at 4100 metres, struggling to stand, this was our first stop at the top and Lakpa spots a pair of blood pheasants so literally drags Simon off with him along a track with a vertical drop.  Lakpa Tensing Sherpa is sherpa in name and body !  This is the best Simon could manage as he slithered down a mountain with the blood pheasant beating a retreat !  I didn't move away from the van and was happy with the glimpse I had. Wise move !

Fire-tailed Sunbird - very active and seen for a split second 

Golden Bush Robin 

Grey Crested Tit 

Orange-flanked Bush Robin (Himalayan Bush Tail) 

Rosy Pipits in the sun and snow. Four seasons in one day ! 

Rufous Gorgeted Flycatcher 

Upland Buzzard 

White-browed Rose Finch 

White-capped River Chat 

White-collared Blackbird 

Yak !

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