Sunday, April 21, 2019

Out and about

Black-headed Gulls at our local nature reserve, Messingham Sands. This is the only perch left on the reserve. It isn't rocket science yet the Lincs Trust don't seem to be able to manage to replace them. There is usually a right scrap each evening as the gulls and cormorants fight for the perch, soon the terns will arrive .......simple things that make all the difference that the warden never seems to notice.  

Brown Hare

Wheatear at Sammy's Point, Spurn. We arrived on a wheatear day, they were everywhere. 3 Ring Ouzels at Sammy's that were deliberately flushed by the he/she from the local riding school and her dogs. 


Lesser Black-backed Gulls  (intermedius) 😉

Green Tiger Beetle

We don't have to go far to see netting to deter birds. This is the house across the road from us. Not content with draping and nailing netting over the whole roof, the pitch is covered in spikes. We keep our eye on it and hope a good strong wind removes it. These are professional people (teachers) that should know better. We keep our eye on it and the recent strong winds did put a huge hole in it. What is wrong with people that they can't stand a couple of gulls and pigeons on their roof ??


The plum tree in our garden looks set for a bumper crop this year !

Common Storksbill

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