Wednesday, April 3, 2019

A few from last week

Pied Wagtail 

Ruff - Blacktoft Sands 

Roe Deer 


Red-crested Pochard 



Reed Bunting 

Cormorant - so sad to see the fishing line  

Sand extraction has been taking place on this land for some years now. It was stopped last year as schedule 1 birds were breeding in the extraction area. They have started again this year, with a vengence. Lorry after lorry, non stop all day, removing sand, rattling past from dawn until dusk. Money for the sand, money for allowing the lorries to cross his land, money for the felled wood in the background. Sickening.  

This wood was on the BTO website to be surveyed this year in the 'Farmland Woodland Survey'. We see on the website that access in this area is now denied. No wonder the owner doesn't want anyone on his land surveying....the wood is now on the floor. Money from Defra will have been claimed each year for this wood. Makes our blood boil how money goes to money and nothing is ever monitored. And these people are meant to be guardians of the countryside. The owner of the land is George Jewitt. 

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