Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Red Kites, Nunburnholme

We called at Nunburnholme on the way home to see the red kite roost but think we were a bit early, just a few sitting in the trees (the trees that we could actually see). 

This is the layby that we have sat in for years, looking down into the valley on the Warter Priory Estate. The kites sit in the trees in and around the valley and are a spectacular sight. We were there the day they planted this hedge, and can't believe that after a couple of years, it has reached this height and thickness with all views now totally obscured. Perhaps the keepers at Warter Priory don't want you to see the thousands of pheasants and pheasant pens at the bottom of the valley. Perhaps they have something to hide. What a selfish thing to do, stopping birders enjoying looking at birds while all at Warter Priory enjoy their killing sprees. Pathetic. 

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