Monday, November 5, 2018

Last week

A brief stop off at Far Ings, Barton and we were lucky to have this fly by of the ring tail harrier. It flew straight past the bird hide but afraid that neither we, nor the camera, were prepared ! 

Marsh Harrier 

A late Sunday afternoon trip to Blacktoft. Masses of pink-footed geese on the way feeding in the fields. A field full of fieldfare, a couple of distant water pipits, marsh harriers and a bathing snipe. 

An afternoon stroll down to Broughton Bridge and a couple of whooper swans flew round....after the farmer had driven round his field and scared them off his wheat.  

A couple of whooper swans flew past in the fading light. 

Tree Sparrows on the feeders at Blacktoft Sands 


A drive out to Cleethorpes for the incoming tide and we were certainly not disappointed. It's always good to find your own birds and these two short-eared owls made our day coming in off, being constantly hassled by the local gulls. A fantastic afternoon. 

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