Sunday, October 7, 2018

Rose-coloured Starling, Spurn

A good afternoon at Spurn today. After sitting in traffic in Hull for well over an hour due to Sunday road sweeping by Hull City Council, we thought we wouldn't get there until tea time !  Started the afternoon off with the first stop at Easington Cemetary with a flock of bramblings and a yellow-browed warbler. Then onto Canal where we were given stonking good views of this rosy starling. No luck with the barred warbler but plenty of stonechats and a single wheatear (that was being tormented by children until they were told!). 3 further yellow-browed in the Churchyard and a couple more in the pub car park. A fabulous day despite the large crowds. Pity this evening news has come out of a bluetail at the why wait until 8pm ? 

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