Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Hen Harrier Day, Sheffield

We have never been to one of these days before and Simon had always wanted to go to one, so we were Sheffield bound last Saturday. Decided to go on the train for a change but flipping heck, pricey is an understatement! Not many people there as you can see. Infact looked more workers than general public. The speakers all said the same thing, some more clearer than others, and to be honest, I found it totally boring.  Lots of big ego's with equally big salaries. But they all missed the point, or seemed afraid to say it.  The point being that raptors are being shot and poisoned by gamekeepers that all seem to escape prosecution. Infact not just raptors, it seems that everything that ventures onto or over a grouse moor is now fair game to be exterminated. The speaker of the day for us was the Green Party lady who spoke from the heart with a genuine passion.

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