Sunday, July 15, 2018

Greater Sand Plover, Easington

What a bird !  We arrived in the morning about a minute after it had been flushed by a peregrine which wasn't good. Decided to hang around a while just incase it was re-found so we headed to Sammys, thinking we could have a nice walk and not too far away. We didn't even get to Sammys before it was picked up again at the Narrows, so drove like a formula one driver down to the gate, got parked on the roadside only to look at my phone and see that it had flown. Bugger ! 

So, we called at the Smith residence for a cuppa and a catch up which turned into a full on BBQ for lunch, delicious. With the radio not too far away and turned on loud, just incase, and bingo - we couldn't believe our luck that it had turned back up at the boatyard on the beach. Excellent views despite dogs and people everywhere enjoying the summer sun. Some old faces to catch up and a good laugh. A new UK bird for us moving Karen's list on by another tick.  A fabulous day !

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