Saturday, June 2, 2018

Golden Oriole, Kilnsea

Finally caught up with this stunner of a bird flitting inbetween these hawthorns, just between Sammy's and the pub. Simon had heard it call earlier so knew it was still around but locating it was harder than you would think. How can a large, bright yellow bird hide ? But as soon as it flew up we had it, alerting everyone around and the crowd was soon enjoying excellent (but very distant!) views of the oriole. We watched it for perhaps half an hour, but it didn't come any closer and eventually gained height and flew over the road, lost to view. It was seen again later in the day in the same location. The oriole has been at Kilnsea for 4 days now but on Wednesday we didn't seem to move any further than Canal Bank listening to the Savi's, and of course talking!. Glad we made a second trip and saw this in the sun, the fog that had been loitering all week finally lifting. 

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