Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Our Scotland holiday on the Ardnamurchan peninsula

Our home for the next week, in a beautiful woodland setting with a garden full of mammals and birds, perfect! 

A few Northern Marsh Orchids sprung up in the lawn 

These two cheeky chappy roe deer lived in the garden, grazing outside the kitchen window and mopping up all the spilt bird seed.  

The river at Strontian 

These have got to be some of the best views in the whole world

We have just had a fabulous week on the Ardnamurchan peninsula, staying in a lovely wooden lodge that we know well. A brilliant week with a white-tailed sea eagle, 3 golden eagles and the best views of pine marten ever. Couple this with the most stunning scenery, a new UK bird and you will know that we have had the perfect week !

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