Saturday, April 7, 2018

Litter picking done by North Lincolnshire Council ........primroses and common dog violet

This is the layby at Junction4, heading into Scunthorpe at the top of Mortal Ash Hill. North Lincolnshire Council empty the three dustbins in this layby every week and also litter pick it. It is an absolute disgrace, there is litter everywhere, disgusting. North Lincolnshire Council were in the Telegraph last week, pledging to fine people who dropped litter. Perhaps they should start by educating their own litter picking staff and putting their own house in order first. Someone actually gets paid to pick this litter up.  Why not increase the bins so they are not constantly overflowing? But that is just common sense. Makes you think that when NLC do pick up the litter, they don't put it in bin bags and remove it, but simply flick it down this bank out of sight?! 

We stopped here yesterday to look at all the primroses and violets that are in flower across the road. The flowers are stunning.

I will send one of the litter pics to the Telepgraph for them to feature it as a 'local grot spot'.  

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