Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Common Cranes in the fog

We were going to head to Suffolk today for the American Bittern but the weather put us off. Glad we didn't bother as it wasn't definitely seen until 5pm, flying in the fog. So, a change of plan and thought we would look on Risby Warren but this proved difficult to get to due to road works and closures. We eventually did a detour but Risby Warren was totally birdless, so that was a waste of time. I had near hypothermia so decided to have a settee afternoon and had just got my feet up catching up with a Miss Marple film when 2 common cranes came on Birdguides, and very close to home. So, out we went again (and I can assure you that it hadn't got any warmer!). Two common cranes standing there in a field in the fog, a new tick on the year list. Now home to sit infront of the fire and warm up. 

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