Sunday, April 1, 2018

Banksy - 'Draw the Raised Bridge', Scott Street Bridge, Hull

The Original 'Draw the Raised Bridge', Banksy 25th January 2018 on Scott Street Bridge, Hull. This also appeared in the Instagram account of Banksy which confirms it is his work. 

After just a couple of days it had been vandalised by a local moron who covered the artwork in whitewash paint, totally covering it. We all have words for idiots like this that seem to think they have a right to ruin everything. A piece of artwork that is worth thousands of pounds in itself without adding the financial input from tourists coming to see it. A local window cleaner saved it, cleaning it with white spirit and, although it is now faded, at least it is still there and you can see it. Hull City Council took the blunt of the blame for not protecting it in any way, infact one Tory councillor called for it to be removed immediately claiming it wasn't art !  Words do sometimes fail you.   

Anyway, after two months we have finally got round to seeing the Banksy which is now covered in a perspex sheet. This plastic, although protecting the artwork, makes viewing it almost impossible. There is the glare to contend with and then the condensation behind the plastic. Still, we are grateful that it has been saved.  While we were there on Easter Sunday, a good 50 people came and went, all enjoying the Banksy and proud that it was in the City of Hull, and in the most run down, deprived part of the city. All had directions to a further two pieces of artwork just a street away,  that are 'possible' Banksy's. 

                                                                      Scott Street Bridge, Hull 

Viewing isn't easy now with the plastic sheet and the fence but at least it keeps the local brain-dead morons from defacing it again. 

River Hull

Another piece of artwork appeared in the same area as Draw the Raised Bridge. It features a young girl sitting next to a dead bird and has appeared on the side of a mechanics workshop in Bromley Street. It resembles the famous Hull graffiti piece 'Dead Bod'. Banksy has yet to claim this piece of artwork  

This is the artwork today. Someone has tried to save the artwork by protecting it, which we are grateful for but couldn't they have made a better job?

                                            The girl with the bird can be seen on the right.  

Now, what the heck is this I hear you ask. These are words written on a wall in Cooper Street, just up the road from the bridge and the girl. Again it is covered in a perspex sheet but the condensation that has formed behind it makes it unreadable. I had to look online to know that it said "There must be more to life than writing 'there must be more to life' on the walls".  This hasn't been claimed by Banksy either.

                                           Some fabulous graffiti by the local budding Banksys !

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