Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Red Kites, Muddy Boots Cafe, Harewood House

The snow had finally cleared so we thought we would have a  few hours at the Muddy Boots Cafe, Harewood House.  A brilliant afternoon with at least 30 red kites in the air, although only a few came down to feed. We always take chopped chicken or belly pork to put on the garage roof (if only all the other photographers could do the same instead of using your food to get their photos.....) and the cafe proprietor throws his scraps up there aswell. They are used to being fed daily at 2.30pm by a lovely lady that lived in the next road but she had sadly passed away that week. The locals all love the kites and watch them daily so I am sure that someone will still feed them. If you have never been to this cafe, it is well worth a visit. The cafe sells lovely homemade food and their cakes are to die for. And then you can sit outside and watch the kites all day, what more could you ask for. 
A heron had started to drop in for food aswell. He had a poorly leg and looked to be struggling to walk - but not to eat chicken!

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