Friday, February 23, 2018

Sri Nakorn Kien Khan Park, Bangkok

Water Monitor 
There were lots here in the park, compared to the rest of Thailand where we saw very few. 

Black-collared Starling 

Pink-necked Green Pigeon 

Red-collared Dove 

Vineous-breasted Starling

Our second day in Bangkok and we were up before dawn to get here. Our taxi driver got lost many times before we found a traffic policeman that rode infront of us on the winding road with many junctions, to show us the gate in. Easy when you know where you are going! 

The park lived up to all expectations, it was massive with many different habitats with lawns, scrub, trees, ponds, ditches, thick dense woodland and fruiting trees. Lots of birds (and mosquitoes!), people jogging, exercising, riding bikes, it was a hive of activity and birds were everywhere, fantastic! 

A few of the birds here we didn't see anywhere else so it was well worth it giving us a good 70 species in the morning, and helping us to get acclimatised to the heat and humidity. But the heat of the day soon took over and we beat a retreat back to the pool at our hotel. An excellent start to our holiday.  The next day was Mekong Cat Fishing day.....and that was even better !  

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