Monday, February 26, 2018

Laem Pak Bia Sand Spit with Mr Daeng

Asian Dowitcher in centre 

Asian Dowitcher feeding (with back to us) 

Great Knot 

Great Knot 

Malaysian Plover 

Malaysian Plover 

Nordmann's Greenshank that spent 99% of the time asleep. It lifted it's head out for a single minute before tucking it back in again.  This was on the flood inbetween the salt pans and the sand spit. 

Nordmann's Greenshank 

 White-faced Plover

PLASTIC !  If every bird guide brought a bag with them everytime they visited this sand spit, they could soon have this plastic and polystyrene picked up and removed.  There is a sign to say 'Critically endangered birds breed here'.....where ? Inbetween the plastic dump?  Do the locals not see this rubbish that arrives with every tide ?  It was disgraceful and the beach and mangrove were littered with it. 

Paradise....and covered in birds !  Now, what will happen if the tide comes in. I did panic slightly ! 

One of the many cats that were in Mr Daeng's boat-house. It was beautiful, just look at those eyes, mesmerising.  

What a brilliant, birding day. Boy did we see some good stuff. We started the day off with Spoonbill Sandpiper and all the other goodies at the salt pans, we then moved onto the flooded area for Nordmann's Greenshank and then onto Mr Daeng's for a boat ride out to the sand spit for Malaysian Plover, White-faced Plover, Great Knot,  Chinese Egret, Long-toed Stint, Red-necked Stint, the list is endless and it was fantastic. What an amazing day !

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