Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Baer's Pochard, Bueng Boraphet, Thailand

1 male and 3 female Baer's Pochard on Bueng Boraphet 

The lake stretched as far as the eye could see.  Without expert, local eyes we would still be there !

Well, we got involved in a bit of a twitch whilst on holiday. Karen had been looking at the North Thailand bird sightings webpage before we came away and 4 Baer's Pochard were being reported almost daily on Bueng Boraphet lake. So our guide arranged for us to go out with the 'pochard man' in the centre of the pics. The lake stretched as far as the eye could see, almost like an inland sea, it was vast. But he monitors the arrival of these birds each year and gets the word out to the Thailand birders. I suppose he then makes a decent income taking birders out to see them, and why not. We sailed for the best part of an hour before we saw any ducks and he knew exactly where the Baer's would be....they hang out with coots he told us, so look for coots. 4 Baer's Pochard were soon located, although very distant and with a midday heat haze to contend with, viewing was certainly not easy. But, saw them we did, even got some distant pics, which was a bonus !

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