Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A few Thailand birds

We have lots of pics to show you from our recent Thailand trip. We hope that you like them.  I will try and tell you  about the birds and the country as we go along.  Our final tally was 430, or thereabouts, with over 220 lifers for Karen's list ! This is just a smittering of photos for you to look at, we have lots more !

Black-collared Starlings 

Black-crowned Night Heron 

Black-headed Bulbul 

Black-naped Monarch (in near darkness) 

Black-throated Sunbird 

Two very distant Black Baza 

 Black-breasted Thrush

Blue-tailed Bee-eater 

Blue Whistling Thrush 

Blyth's Shrike Babbler 

Burmese Shrike 

Chestnut Thrush 

Chestnut-crowned Laughing Thrush 

Chinese Pond Heron 

Common Flameback 

Coppersmith Barbets 
These could be heard calling all day, no matter where you were, you could always here them

Crested Tree Swifts 

Dark-backed Sibia 

Eyebrowed Thrush 

Glossy Ibis 

Greater Necklaced Laughing Thrush 

Green Peafowl 

 Grey Bush-Chat

Grey Nightjar 

Hainan Blue Flycatcher 

Hill-blue Flycatcher

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