Friday, November 3, 2017

This week's bits and bobs

Lots of stonechats at Alkborough, love this pic on the 'pom-pom'.  

A bittern flew round, always distant, but still very good to see.  

4 whoopers on the river, 3 flew over Alkborough and  we had a fly by of 7 at Blacktoft. 

Bearded Tits 

Golden Plover and Lapwing

And then we heard these two, squeaking and tussling away in the grass. They were gorgeous. So active, never still, running and jumping and hunting in the long grass. We just watched them for ages and it made our day. 

'Green Tags' marsh harrier was over Blacktoft but often visits Alkborough.  

We have a roost of corvids that would give Alfred Hitchcock's 'Birds' a run for its money. This is just a fraction, there are lines and lines of birds, 1000's of them. Fantastic !

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