Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust - Spurn's new visitor centre

Most of you will have seen the new visitor centre, still under construction, at Spurn. We objected to this planning application on both occasions, as did many hundreds of people, yet planning permission was granted. Very strange as it was refused first time round, was re-submitted with no changes, and permission was granted. I will leave you to think about that one. 

The planning application submitted by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust stated that the building 'would nestle into it's surroundings'. Well does it? Just look at it.....nestle it does not, not in a million years. It's an absolute monstrosity that can be seen for miles around.

Canal Scrape hide is dwarfed in comparison to this building.  How the YWT got planning permission for this, no-one will ever know. I have worked in a planning environment for 20 years and I have been witness to some very bad decisions, and this has to be one of the worst. 

Spurn Bird Migration Festival has had permission refused to use this field for two years on the trot as it is a prime stopping-off site for migrating whimbrel. It is now a field of builders rubble, growing by the day. Now why didn't they take it to the breach along with all the concrete bases they are ripping up from the old obs?  Common sense eh !

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