Thursday, October 26, 2017

Ring Ouzel, Spurn

A distant short-eared owl quartered the triangle early evening. 

A day at Spurn gave us this stunning male ring ouzel. One of Karen's favourite birds. Spent a few hours watching vis mig with blackbirds, starlings, song thrushes, redpolls, siskins, bramblings and fieldfares coming in off. A grey wag and a couple of black redstarts flitted around and a weasel ran along the bank top. 

We stayed at Spurn until well after 5pm, thinking the Hull rush hour traffic would be over .....wrong! We crawled through Hull for best part of an hour in standing traffic. It might be the City of Culture but your road network is absolute shocking. Even the traffic lights are not in synchro and one stayed on green for less than a minute. Hardly surprising it's one of the most polluted roads in the country. Come on Hull, get your act together. 

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