Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A fantastic day at Spurn

Wearing a brand new shiny ring ! 

It was a spotted flycatcher day for us today at Spurn with a few in the Crown and Anchor car park, in Cliff Farm garden and at Sammys. Lovely birds that are a pleasure to see.  

Lots of wheatears along the shoreline at Sammy's Point.  

We started the day at Easington Gas Terminal for the red backed shrike, looked for a good half hour before we decided it had long gone, so onto Sammy's Point to see what else was about. It was a good easterly wind and we had had rain early hours so we thought we could, at long last, be in for a good day. And we were not disappointed. Simon had soon picked up this cracking redstart and a walk along the foreshore gave us plenty of wheatears and a spotted flycatcher. 

Then onto Kilnsea for a yellow-browed extravaganza!  We had excellent views of quite a few in Cliff Farm garden and the pub car park along with a few pied flycatchers. A quick dash down Beacon Lane where we all failed miserably with the raddes warbler. This was later seen, so was still around near the caravan park entrance.

A fabulous day and a good catch up and laugh with the Yorkshire lads !

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