Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Muston Scarecrow Festival 2017

Coal miners 

A plumber with a leak ! 

Dusty Bin 

The Andrex puppies 

Monty Don at Gardeners World 

Oops a Daisy 

This was our favourite this year 'Muston Belle'. The detail was fantastic, loved the gulls and cat. A lot of work and thought had gone into this scarecrow, its fabulous ! 

Harry Potter 

Bill from the Flowerpot Men 

Gone to Seed 

Paddington Bear 

John Noakes and Shep  

The Royal Family came for tea 

Roger Federer sitting with Toad of Toad Hall 

Birds of a Feather 



Mary Poppins and Bert 

The Witches of Eastwick 

Poldark, this was our 3rd choice, love the rats and mice ! 


Chris Froome 

In the mud ....very apt for this weeks weather ! 

Pepper Pig 

The Cat in the Hat 

Humpty Dumpty 

The Magic Roundabout 

and this was our second choice this year, Bugs Bunny. Its brilliant and all the kids loved holding the signs for a pic, lots of thought and details, excellent. 

The cat and gull from the Muston Belle 

Bill and Little Weed from the Flowerpot Men 

Anyone fancy gurning?! 

We made our annual trip to Muston Scarecrow Festival, inbetween the showers. Feel sorry for the car park staff this year as the field has been too wet to open and recon you have taken some stick, not your fault, you all do a brilliant job. You have had another excellent year with some brilliant scarecrows. It's definately worth a visit so get yourselves there ! 

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