Sunday, August 13, 2017

Driffield Steam and Vintage Rally 2017

Retford - my home town and such lovely words on the back x 

and there was even a Trump on a tractor !

This is the Vintage Road Run that takes place on the Saturday evening of the show and runs from the showground into the town centre. The roads were packed, 1000's of people having turned out to watch but at 5pm the heavens opened and the rain was torrential, it had just stopped by 6pm when the parade started. 

There were plenty of engines and the air was thick with the smell and sight of thick smokey steam, and it was fabulous. Traction engines, showman's engines, road rollers, tractors, cars, motor bikes, steam cars, lorries and miniature steam engines all took park. Even Donald Trump was there !!

We have never been to this before and it is now a definate must for us next year, it was without doubt, fantastic. 

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