Tuesday, July 11, 2017

An afternoon of spoonbills and other goodies

A tree full of spoonbills. When North Lincolnshire Council took on the site, the first thing they did was to cut down a huge hawthorn hedge that ran along this boundary. Spoonbills turned up as soon as the site was flooded, and have continued to do so every year. We are sure they would have bred on this site if the hedge and trees were left in place. The few trees that remain are now falling down, long dead, after the ingress of salt water, but the spoonbills love them.  

Sedge Warbler 

Juvenile Water Rail 

A very pleasant late afternoon visit to this local site. 12 spoonbills were infront of the hide, sleeping, feeding, flying around and generally bickering! A juvenile spoonbill did the rounds of the remaining spoonbills, trying to get a free meal, being shunned by them all 'get your own food!' This water rail kept us entertained infront of the hide, running in and out, across and back, at jet speed. It was good to see both juvenile spoonbill and egret together. An excellent couple of hours, just us two and the birds, how we like it. 

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