Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Tour de Yorkshire, Stage 1, King of the Mountains, Cote de Garrowby Hill, Pocklington

The race leaders on the hill climb at Garrowby Hill 

and then the peleton 

and then the support vehicles.....there's some money on those roofs! 

A good day out and thankfully the weather was kind. We didn't plan on watching the race on Garrowby Hill but we set off from home with hours to spare so drove the course to find the best place where we could get parked. Couldn't believe our luck that the very last parking place was on the hill itself and it was all ours! So, feet up, flask and book out and chill while we waited. The crowds built up and that made for a really good atmosphere with flags and cow bells ready for the riders. They came up that hill as if they were doing a Sunday stroll, efortless. Oh to be that fit !!  
Love the build up and the excitement of seeing the riders (just wished Cav or Froomy had been riding), but it is over far too quickly. Might just treat ourselves one year to the Tour de France xx

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