Sunday, May 28, 2017

And a few more Georgia birds

Caucasian Black Grouse - Very distant and very high up !
Digiscoped images. A new bird for most on the trip. 

Caucasian Mountain Chiffchaff 

Caucasian Snowcock  - digiscoped image. 
This was that high up on the mountain it nearly had altitude sickness!
I wouldn't normally post such a poor quality image but this was a mega new bird.

Corn Bunting 


Honey Buzzards - the raptor migration was quite spectacular 

Laughing Doves in the local park in Tblisi 

Eastern Imperial Eagle 

Lesser Grey Shrike

Red Backed Shrike 

Ring Ouzel 

Rock Bunting 

Rose Coloured Starling - we saw flocks of these, 100's of them wherever we went.
Would like to have photographed this one but our guide had other thoughts, saying he couldn't wait for it to turn round and simply walked towards it and flushed it. 

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