Wednesday, January 4, 2017

A few more birds in Cuba

Grey Plover 


Laughing Gulls 

Piping Plovers 

Royal Tern 

Just love the light in these pics, it was so bright and clear, perfect light for photography. You don't realise what a grey, dark country we live in until you experience this pure light.  

Sanderlings. There were also 2 Dunlin in this flock which was a local rarity ! 

Semipalmated Plover 

Wearing a green flag number 18N. Going to try and find out about this so will keep you posted. 

The waders were numerous feeding in all the weed 

Wilson's Plover

Our beach was kept quite sterile and clean for all the sun-worshippers, the weed being raked and removed each day,  but a 20 minute stroll along the sea front brought us to a beach with no hotels and this was a mecca for birds. Waders galore fed in the weed that was allowed to pile up and we headed to this area quite a few times during our stay. The highlight was a distant Brown Booby !!

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