Monday, December 5, 2016

Dusky Thrush, Beeley

Just had to go for this bird today after it came on the pager yesterday, a new world bird for us two. The village was easy to find, right next to Chatsworth House, and we were lucky to find somewhere to park. The crowds were huge and the bird was extremely mobile. We had a fleeting glance of it as soon as we arrived, but stood in a sports field (with feet like blocks of ice!), with the masses and no sign, probably due to the local fat cat the was sat on the wall under the trees ! Beeley was a 'Last of the Summer Wine' pretty little village and every tree , hedge, bush was being watched by birders. Word soon got out that it had been seen at the Activity Barn up the road so a mass of birders headed up the hill and it soon showed for perhaps 10 seconds before flying over and into the orchard behind. Lets hope that it sticks around for another day or so as a further visit is definately required ! 

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