Saturday, October 15, 2016

Siberian Accentor, Kilnsea

What a fantastic couple of days birding we have had here on the Yorkshire coast. Flamborough was our choice on Thursday for the Paddyfield Warbler. The rain was torrential and we were soon soaked to the skin, even my boots were full of water but the warbler showed quite well on arrival but soon flew into the field to feed for an hour or so. It was then seen again in the hedge but only fleetingly. By this time we were both shivering and soaked wet through so we decided to head home. The pager was in the rucksack that was in the boot.....big mistake !  So by the time we had got home, changed and made a cuppa, Karen then read the pager......and  flipped. It was gone 4pm and we knew there was no way we could drive across Hull in rush hour traffic and get to Kilnsea before dusk. So, slept with fingers crossed and prayed that the Siberian Accentor would still be there down Vicars Lane the next morning. We were up before light and set off, infact it was just getting light as we approached Kilnsea. It was obvious that the bird was still there by the 1000's of cars so we headed down Vicars Lane and BINGO !  A new world bird for us that gave fantastic, close views. A big thanks to all the Spurn lads who had everything organised, you did a grand job. Two birds in two days !!

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