Monday, October 31, 2016

Brown Shrike, Spurn

This morning was flat calm, not a breath of wind, and the sun was shining so we thought it a good idea to head to Alkborough. We were nearing the bottom of Alkborough Flats when the pager bleeped, another accentor on Shetland we thought.....wrong!  It was a brown shrike at Spurn and a bird we had never seen in the UK before, missing the Flamborough bird due to work. So we legged it back to the car and off we went. There were very few people there for such a good bird but we were soon onto it and it showed on and off for hours. It was quite distant on the saltmarsh while we were there but earlier in the morning it was sat in the canal hedge. An excellent start to the week and again Spurn turns up a mega ! 

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