Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Wryneck, Spurn

This was our first bird of the day but it didn't start off too well. The wryneck was in the rough grass at the bottom of the caravan park and was deliberately flushed by the idiot with the dog that lives in the end caravan. He could see we were all watching a bird on the ground, so instead of walking behind us all to get to his caravan, he deliberately walked straight infront and past the bird, flushing it into some large trees. He was called a multitude of names ! It did eventually fly and ended up feeding in the rough 20 yards from where it started. A very cryptic coloured bird that some just could not see. It has to be one of our favourite birds and is a must to see on migration.  We also had our first redstart of the day in the caravan park thanks to one of the new generation birders who kept us amused at each bird!

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