Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Western Purple Swamphen, RSPB Minsmere

An early morning drive down to Suffolk to Minsmere and there is no easy way for us to get there, so a 160 mile trip took us well over 4 hours with tractors, combines, lorrys, holiday traffic and single track roads....a nightmare ! But we arrived just before lunch and made our way to the bird which showed as soon as we arrived. Quite distant in the edge of the reeds and although it kept showing for ages, it was often partially obscured by reeds. But not complaining as we had some fantastic views, well pleased. We only took our small camera/lens which was a good job as space was at a premium with the narrow path and the 100's of scopes on it, it was a jostle for the front row ! A new UK bird for us taking Karen's UK tally to 388. We finished our visit off seeing a couple of stone curlews on the heath, always a good bird to see. Had a fantastic day at Minsmere and our return journey was just as long and tiring and it was 8pm when we arrived back home ...... with a Chinese takeaway! 

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