Sunday, July 3, 2016


The most westerly point in Britain, the lighthouse on the point at Ardnamurchan 

The evening view from our bedroom window 

We visited this area many times where we were lucky to see slow worm and wood warbler, but afraid no otters. The island at the rear of the castle is owned by Richard Branson's sister who lives on the island.  


Tobermory. The last time we were here we stayed the week in the blue house at the end ! 

A fantastic sunset in the harbour at Mallaig 

A lovely 2 weeks in Scotland with our first week on Ardnamurchan and then over to Mull for the second week. The weather was mainly wet, cloudy and bitterly cold. We drove over 1500 miles but it was worth it. The pine martens were without doubt, the highlight of the first week. We have never seen so many with excellent views. Friday was spent in a daze when we realised what the population of the country had done voting the UK out of Europe. We are pleased to say we are in the 48% remain camp and are deeply worried now about the future of this country, it's people and it's wildlife and which way it will go. Time will tell. 
One of our sightings one morning was in a layby when both us and the car behind did an emergency stop thinking we had seen a black grouse, only for it to turn into a domestic chicken and the driver of the car behind turned out to be Dave Roberts, a fellow Lincs birder !!  Such a small world !
Mull was better than the last time we visited with a pair of golden eagles with a chick, good views of white-tailed sea eagles and otters, although when you scroll through our photos you will read all about the 'otter circus'. This has recently arrived as these photographers were not there last time we were.  We had gone later in the year and the midges were out with a vengeance, they were as bad as people say and early morning and evenings were horrendously bitey. 
All in all, a good but very tiring trip x

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