Sunday, July 3, 2016

Mallaig to Muck and Eigg and back !

Black Guillemots 

1000's of Manx Shearwaters, they were everywhere and it was a fantastic sight to see. 

and a single Bonxie

We had a week on Ardnamurchen before we headed to Mull and decided to take one of the ferrys around the small islands for the day. So we set sail from the port of Mallaig on one of the CalMac ferries, calling at Muck and Eigg. The sailing took the best part of the day and was just £10 for a ticket, excellent value for money. We did choose the day carefully weatherwise but we still had rain (but a calm sea!). Shearwaters were absolutely everywhere, thousands and thousands of them. Black guillemots were in all the harbours, but we had plenty of  arctic terns, fulmers, razorbills, puffins,  kittiwakes, gulls and a couple of skua. Common seals lounged on all the rocks. An excellent day.  

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