Sunday, June 5, 2016

Great Reed Warbler, Barton - Sunday morning

A call at 9am meant that household tasks scheduled for today were swiftly put on hold and a quick drive to Barton was now priority. We were soon hearing the unmistakable call of the Great Reed Warbler and after a short wait and a hard look, we soon had it located. It was very obliging, singing it's heart out and climbing the reeds where we all had excellent views. Pity the sun was directly at us making photography difficult. Nice to catch up with Charlie and Mags, not seen them in ages. Hope to get back to this bird later today when the sun should be in a more favorable position.  After our 250 mile  round trip last week to Paxton for a Great Reed Warbler, we knew we would see another one, it never fails. A fantastic bird !

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