Sunday, June 12, 2016

Flying Scotsman, First Class from Scunthorpe to Morpeth

We made 4 water stops throughout our journey which all took about 20 minutes each. Here we are on our return journey at Ferryhill South Junction. 

Photography was quite difficult from the train as leaning out of the windows was not allowed. 

Our table set with afternoon tea ! 

A water stop on our outward journey at York Station.  

We took on 4 of these tankers of water for our journey.

 Water stop.

Pulling into Scunthorpe station at the start of our day 

This is the Tornado outside York Railway Museum 

What a fabulous day out !  Tom bought us 2 first class tickets for this 'Tynesider' steam day on the 60103 Flying Scotsman, Scunthorpe to Morpeth and back. A brilliant pressie, thank you. It was a wonderful experience onboard this steam train, first class with teas, coffee, pastrys, afternoon teas, a lovely atmosphere onboard, and constant steam and soot past the windows!  The crowds were huge, people standing everywhere, on garage roofs, ladders, everywhere we looked there were people that had come out to see the Flying Scotsman. We made 4 water stops where we took on 4 huge tankers of water and a couple of operational stops where a hammer was tapped underneath, quite a few times !  A couple of hours in Morpeth, just enough for a visit to M & S and a coffee, then back onboard and homeward bound.  A lovely day, one that we will remember forever. 

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