Monday, May 30, 2016

Ecuador - sun, torrential rain, earthquakes, floods and landslides !

We had torrential rain (that was totally unexpected and prolonged) which resulted in massive landslides. Here you can see the mountain boulders had come down and gone straight through a house.  

There were landslides on every road, but life went on as normal. 

Our lodge at Copalinga, near to the Podocarpus National Park. It was stunningly good, the views, the birds, good food, spotless clean. Run by a lady called Katherine who kept it all in ship shape order !

Ecuador to Peru and back again 

Some very interesting sculptures and statues on the roundabouts. This one shows a goldminer panning for gold.

Waterproofs on ! 

Just after seeing the Jocotoco Ant-pitta. Happy days with Simon and Jonny Barnard.  
And yes, it was absolutely lashing it down.

Still raining.....3 days non stop torrential rain, really hampered our birdwatching. It was no fun getting soaked to the skin and glasses and binoculars steaming up made it hard work.

 What a view, surrounded by rain forest and humming birds. Life is good !

Simon and our guide, Andres. Happy times and I see that the rain had eventually stopped. This was the dining area from Copalinga Lodge, with humming birds flying through it at every mealtime - heaven !

Kapok trees. Massive ! 

Breathtaking views  

Above the clouds ! 

I can see blue sky !!  

We were very lucky and saw one Long-wattled Umbrellabird  during our stay here.

Dense rain forest makes finding birds very difficult. 

Cloud forest, oh my it was breathtaking and the trip of a lifetime.  

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